Форумы SkySharing.Ru

Кардшаринг сервер => Биллинг - системы оплаты => : takisolist 05 February 2013, 21:39:41

: Transfer funds to (same) user!
: takisolist 05 February 2013, 21:39:41
Hello! I have send 5.00$ with (Transfer funds to another user)  to same profile and i lost the money!!! What i can do for this wrong?

: Re: Transfer funds to (same) user!
: admin 05 February 2013, 21:48:13
to wich user you have sent ?
from takisolist  to takisolist  ? if yes - then for what ?
you don't need to transfert to anyone, you can do all in your own account, add a lot of users and buy for anyony there, in you reseller part of acoount you can see the list of users and in the right side of each users there is a butoon "купить" if you press you will be in packages with choosen user and could buy any package there.

: Re: Transfer funds to (same) user!
: takisolist 05 February 2013, 21:53:35
Thenk you very much!!!

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